About Non-Metallic Minerals

Non-metallic minerals are a composition of chemical elements that do not have the properties of any metals. Some examples of non-metallic minerals include building materials like the materials used in the production of cement, clay and sand, granite, natural gemstones, mineral deposits with essential chemicals and fertilisers. Zimbabwe is also home to a variety of non-metallic minerals such as:

There is also a big industry in ART from non-metallic stones found in Zimbabwe


Dolomite Art

Dolomite Art

The table below shows the main differences between metallic and non-metallic minerals.

Metallic mineralsNon-metallic minerals
Minerals containing one or more metallic elements.Minerals that do not contain metallic elements.
Have a hard and shiny surface.They do not have a shiny surface and are not as hard as metallic minerals.
Mostly found in igneous and metamorphic rocks.Mostly found in sedimentary rocks.
They are ductile and malleable, can be beaten into sheets and stretched to produce wires.They are not ductile and malleable, so they break into pieces when hit hard.
Good conductor of heat and electricity.Poor conductor of heat and electricity.
They can be melted to produce new products.They do produce new products on melting.
They are less abundant than non-metallic minerals.They are more abundant than metallic minerals.
Examples: Gold, Copper, tin, iron, manganese,Examples: Coal, precious stones, boron, sulphur, mica, quartz, dolomite, diamond etc.